Here’s my issue, I think I have a cheap, or maybe even shallow boyfriend. In October 2008, our first Christmas, I got him a pair of sunglasses ($200) among other things, and he got me a synthetic necklace and pendant that I cannot wear due to nickel/metal allergies. His birthday, I got him a pair of gold earrings ($100) and for my birthday, he got me bath products. Christmas 2009, I got him a bottle of cologne ($100) and an official Olympic Sweater ($60). He got me more bath supplies, (which is virtually useless since I shower, I don’t take baths). Yesterday was my birthday and he got me a synthetic necklace and pendant with a CZ crystal - which I cannot wear. I’ve spent good time, money getting what I feel are “perfect” gifts for him, and I just don’t feel that I am getting the same treatment in return. I don’t want to bring it up to him in fear that I may hurt his feelings but moreover I don’t want to come off as shallow - but is he cheap or am I just shallow?
B.C., Vancouver
Your boyfriend may be cheap and/or shallow, and you may be shallow, to use your words. It’s hard to determine from one note. Interesting though that you’re keeping a balance sheet on the gift giving, which I’ll come to in a moment. So in order to determine whether your boyfriend is a serial cheapskate we have to look at how and what he gives other people who are also close to him, and how he spends on himself. Let me ask you a question; how is your boyfriend when it comes to gifts for others, like family and friends and how is he when it comes to spending money on himself? Gifts are one of the five love languages by which people express, give and receive love, (the others are quality time, acts of service, words of acknowledgment, non-sexual physical touch), so they’re pretty important. If you’re man is consistently low-end gifting it’s possible that gifts are not important to him and are not one of his preferred ways of expressing love. If this is true it means that likely he is expressing love in a way that you are not tuned into. Guys are great lovers and will shower love on someone they are in love with which means if you’re not feeling love-showered, (of any kind), it’s your first clue that your man is pulling his presence out of the relationship
Back to the gift balance sheet its clear gifts are important to you. They may even be your primary love language. And keeping a running tab with your boyfriend regularly coming up on the debit side of the account is going to have you build up some resentment. So that happens here is something you can say:
"Look, (insert name), gifts are really big deals to me. If you want me to feel loved by you then I want you to make them special and I want you to put more thought, time, energy and expense into celebrating me. I feel loved when you buy me great gifts." Say this directly without apology, comparison, or argument and he'll get the point. And if he chooses to ignore what you have said directly to him, well then you have the answer to a bigger question.
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